If (InStr(FileExist("Path/YourFolder"),"D")
MsgBox Folder exists!
MsgBox Folder doesn't exist
Thursday, September 4, 2008
AHK - Check if a folder exists
Very simple way of checking if a folder exists, and also making sure that it's an actual folder (not just a file without an extension).
Forum Post
AHK scripts,
AHK - The Ternary Operator ( ?: )
This is a short faq/guide about the use of the Ternary Operator in AHK. If you think of anything I should add, please post a comment.
Enjoy :)
1.) What is a Ternary Operator?
A ternary operator is like a shortened if-else statement, that can be used in a one-line expression. For example:In English, this can be written as "If X is true, set Var to 1. Else, set Var to 0".
2.) What's the point?
Ternary operators can make code more readable (or sometimes less), and much more compact. For example, would you rather use the previous code or this in your really long script?
3.) Can I do if-elseif-else expressions too?
Sadly, no you can't. There is a rather easy workaround for this, but code readability goes downhill fast. The workaround is simply nesting the if statements, for example:Could be written asAnd as a ternary operator, it would look like this:
4.) Does the ternary operator lower speed/performance?
In some cases, it can, but usually by less than 10µs. What does this mean? Nobody but your computer will notice, and it just barely will.
[VxE]'s := guide ? ( to the ternary ) : ( operator ), Ternary Operator Documentation
Enjoy :)
1.) What is a Ternary Operator?
A ternary operator is like a shortened if-else statement, that can be used in a one-line expression. For example:
Var := X ? 1 : 0
2.) What's the point?
Ternary operators can make code more readable (or sometimes less), and much more compact. For example, would you rather use the previous code or this in your really long script?
If (X)
Var := 1
Var := 0
3.) Can I do if-elseif-else expressions too?
Sadly, no you can't. There is a rather easy workaround for this, but code readability goes downhill fast. The workaround is simply nesting the if statements, for example:
If (X == 1)
Var := 1
Else If (X == 2)
Var := 2
Var := 0
If (X == 1)
Var := 1
Else {
If (X == 2)
Var := 2
Var := 0
Var := X == 1 ? 1 : (X == 2 ? 2 : 0)
4.) Does the ternary operator lower speed/performance?
In some cases, it can, but usually by less than 10µs. What does this mean? Nobody but your computer will notice, and it just barely will.
[VxE]'s := guide ? ( to the ternary ) : ( operator ), Ternary Operator Documentation
AHK scripts,
AHK - GetGlobal()
This is a simple function for manipulating a global variable in a function that doesn't have assume-global mode on.
If (!RegExMatch(var,"^[a-zA-Z0-9#_@\$\?\[]]{1,254}$"))
Return 0
If (newval == "£NO_NEW_VAL£")
Return % %Var%
Else {
%var% := newval
Return 1
FuBar = Hello World!
Message() {
MsgBox % GetGlobal("FuBar")
AHK scripts,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
AHK - Send() - My custom send function
This function allows you to insert pauses in your text via "{_Sleep ####}" added anywhere in your text, where "####" is the number of milliseconds to sleep/pause. You can also set the mode (ie. play, event) with the Mode parameter, omit this parameter to use the default.
Send(Text,Mode="") {
If (Mode)
SendMode %Mode%
FoundPos := 0
Loop {
If (!FoundPos := RegExMatch(Text,"Ui).*\{_Sleep \d+\}",Match,++FoundPos))
FoundPos += StrLen(Match) - 1
Send % RegExReplace(Match,"Ui)(.*)\{_Sleep \d+\}","$1")
Sleep % RegExReplace(Match,"Ui).*\{_Sleep (\d+)\}","$1")
Send % SubStr(Text,FoundPos)
Send("{_Sleep 2000}a{_Sleep 1000}b","Input")
AHK scripts,
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