Thursday, November 20, 2008

AHK - Mouse Wrap-around

Just a little code that will cause the mouse to wrap around to the other side of the screen when it gets all the way to one side.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SysGet, Mon, Monitor
SetTimer, CheckMouse, 10

If (!GetKeyState("LButton"))
MouseGetPos, X, Y
If (X <= MonLeft)
MouseMove, % MonRight - 5, %Y%, 0
Else If (X >= MonRight - 1)
MouseMove, % MonLeft + 5, %Y%, 0
Else If (Y <= MonTop)
MouseMove, %X%, % MonBottom + 5, 0
Else If (Y >= MonBottom - 1)
MouseMove, %X%, % MonTop - 5, 0

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